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Google PageRank is officially dead now

May 25, 2016 17:39 PDT

Google PageRank is officially dead now.

On March 7 2016, Google officially killed off Toolbar PageRank scores to the few browser tools and web site tools that use it. Google has confirmed it in real life if you do not believe me. :-)

PageRank is an algorithm used by Google Search to rank websites in their search engine results. PageRank was named after Larry Page, one of the founders of Google. PageRank is a way of measuring the importance of website pages.

Link spam ran rampant in the heyday of PageRank as site owners and agencies alike would buy and place as many high-PR links as they could to outrank competitors. The history of PageRank is therefore littered with paid links, black hat tactics, and is the reason why we still get email pitches from link sellers today.

Welcome to a PageRank-free web. :-)

Open SEO Stats removed PageRank

Open SEO Stats(Formerly name: PageRank Status) is also removed Google PageRank from SEO Stats page. To check web rank and SEO stats by one clicking, you can visit OpenAdminTools or install Open SEO Stats from Chrome Web Store.

The screenshot of Open SEO Stats
Screenshot: Open SEO Stats

#1  posted on May 26, 2016 07:57 PDT
You may be on the right track, so now even a poor boy like me could succeed. hooray

#2  posted on May 27, 2016 08:07 PDT
Too bad. I always used Google PageRank to get a first impression of a site's reliability, and it was a pretty good indicator.

#3  posted on July 02, 2016 22:41 PDT
Good thing to know bcz Everyone moving from PR/DA/PA to majestic matrices TF/CT. like a very popular keyword researcher LTP also associated to majestic matrices.

#4  posted on July 03, 2016 09:58 PDT
I thinks its really good news that some unfair practice happened in internet market, but alexa rank also work. Thanks for sharing good news for us.

#5  posted on July 14, 2016 04:04 PDT
This time is for real - Google killed PR. Now we can't see it but it might still be useful and you can check the last records for free on this website -

#6  posted on July 19, 2016 06:43 PDT
How to I increase SEO statistics of my website? Page rank is dead - what are other options do I have. Does MSN and Yahoo have similar services like Page Rank?

Please advise -

#7  posted on September 01, 2016 03:33 PDT
It seems to me that it is used in internal calculations at Google.

#8  posted on September 01, 2016 03:33 PDT
It seems to me that it is used in internal calculations at Google.

#9  posted on October 02, 2016 01:27 PDT
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#10  posted on October 18, 2016 04:58 PDT
How to I increase SEO statistics of my site? It is very sad

#11  posted on February 12, 2017 00:15 PST
I apreciat to her thank u.

#12  posted on February 12, 2017 00:21 PST
I apreciat to her thank u.

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