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How do I edit or add my search engine options in Google Chrome?

September 11, 2008 05:40 PDT

Posted by Andrew.

The default search engines of Google Chrome is set to Google Search. You can manually add or edit search engines on Google Chrome. To do this, first open the Search Engines dialog box, please do following steps:

  1. Click the Tools menu, then then select Option

Google Chrome Tools Menu

  1. Click the Basics tab
  2. Click the Manage button in the Default search section. The Search Engines dialog box opens.

Google Chrome Options: Search Engines

You can also right-click the web address area on the address box and select Edit search engines to open the Search Engines dialog box.

Add or edit search engine options on Google Chrome

To add a new search engine, click the Add button on Search Engines dialog box. To edit an existing search engine, select the search engine and click the button.

Google Chrome Options: Search Engines

Provide the following information:

  • Name: Nickname for the search engine.
  • Keyword: This field is optional. Fill out this field if you want to create a text shortcut for the search engine.
  • URL: Type the URL for the search engine into this field, insert %s in the URL where the search terms should appear.

Search engines option examples

Here are some search engines option examples, you can directly copy/paste them to add your Google Chrome:

  1. Add Wikipedia search engine to your Google Chrome
    • Name - Wikipedia
    • Keyword - wiki
    • URL -
  2. Add Google Translate (English) search engine to your Google Chrome
    • Name - Google Translate (English)
    • Keyword - trans
    • URL -
  3. Add Google Image search engine to your Google Chrome
    • Name - Google Image
    • Keyword - image
    • URL -
  4. Add MSDN(Microsoft Developer Network) to your Google Chrome
    • Name - MSDN Developer
    • Keyword - msdn
    • URL -

Choose default search engine

  1. Click the Tools menu, then then select Option
  2. Click the Basics tab.
  3. Select the search engine from the Default search drop-down menu that you'd like Google Chrome to use.
  4. Click the Close button.

#1  posted on September 08, 2008 19:13 PDT
OK, thanks!

And thanks for your blog!

#2  posted on September 24, 2008 13:13 PDT
Does anyone know if there's any way to pass multiple separated values in through this method? I have a search for work that works as I'm looking to set up the search function so that I can type "person[tab]bob smith" in the address bar to do a search, but I can't figure out how to separate the elements of the query.

replied on September 27, 2008 19:32 PDT:
Hello Jamison, Unfortunately, there is no way to pass multiple separated values. :(

#3  posted on May 09, 2009 06:26 PDT
Additionally if chrome would allow multiple search keywords values like firefox does, for example dict for all the dictionaries used and a scrollable sort of thing to pick from them, like the Show Keywords 3 addon on firefox, it would be simply awesome.

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Nice help.It worked for me.

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