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Google Chrome Extension: Digg This

May 15, 2009 23:24 PDT

Updated on Dec 12, 2011: This extension has been stopped to maintain by Hyder.

Google announced extensions for Chrome on May 12. Hyder Alamgir just sent a E-mail to me, he wrote a Digg This Chrome Extesion, nice and simple.

Now, you can download this simple Digg This extension with following steps. Keep in mind, it requires Chrome 2.0 (which is still only a developer preview release):

Guidelines: Install Digg This extension for Google Chrome

1. Download and install Chrome 2.0 developer release. If you have installed, ignore this step.

2. Add -enable-extensions parameter:

  I. Right click the Chrome icon in your desktop, then click Properties.

  II. Click Shortcut tab.

  III. Add -enable-extensions parameter in the Target field.

3. Install Digg This Extension for Chrome.

Other resource about Google Chrome Extersions

  1. Google Chrome extensions and plug-ins
  2. Google Chrome Extension: PageRank Status Checker - Check the Google PageRank & Alexa Rank. Really Google Chrome extension
  3. Google Chrome Plugin: PageRank Status Checker - Check the Google PageRank & Alexa Rank, based JavaScript bookmarklet
  4. Google Chrome Plugins: Download YouTube Videos in Google Chrome
  5. Google Chrome extension tutorial for developers
  6. Chromium Developer Documentation: Extersions
  7. - Digg is a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web

#1  posted on February 28, 2010 21:43 PST
I have used google chromes page rank checker Plug ins and this was fantastic.

#2  posted on January 07, 2012 08:52 PST
Very valid, pithy, suciccnt, and on point. WD.

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