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How to get the Chromium OS/Chrome OS source code

November 30, 2009 03:09 PST

Posted by Andrew.

Google released Chromium OS open source project. The code of Chromium OS is free, accessible to anyone and open for contributions. In this tutorial we will see how to download the source code for the Chromium OS project.

Note: If you just want to see the code, you can browse or search the source code repository.

Method 1: Download Chromium OS Source Code directly (cannot commit changes)

Please download the tar.gz file and unpack it into a local directory called chromiumos:

Download Link: chromiumos-

File size: 232 MB

Method 2: Using Git to get the source

  1. Get the chromium depot tools. Make sure they are earlier in your path than any other gcl binaries on your system.
  2. Install git onto your local machine:
  3. sudo apt-get install git-core
  4. Get a copy of the Chromium OS repository.
  5. mkdir [chromiumos]
    cd [chromiumos]
    gclient config
    gclient sync

    Note: This process may appear to hang while downloading the kernel source. It may take anywhere up to 10-20 minutes before you get more feedback.

Directory structure of Chromium OS source code

The following document details the source tree hierarchy you are likely to encounter while developing for Chromium OS:

  • repo
  • This directory contains the build dev packages that are listed in the repo_list_dev.

  • src
  • The main src directory. All files that are built and end up in the final Chromium OS image are located here.

    • build
    • This directory is created when you build from inside the chroot environment.

      • images
      • Has built images from our script in folders by corresponding build numbers

      • x86
      • The x86 directory (and others, once we support different architectures) has the local_packages that are created from all the individual's within platforms and third_party

    • common
    • Contains includes and libraries for logging and flags.

    • package_repo
    • Contains text files that list the packages used in building a Chromium OS image.

    • platform
    • Contains all Chromium OS packages that are created completely for Chromium OS.

    • scripts
    • Contains the many necessary scripts to help you build a Chromium OS system.

    • tests
    • Contains system-level Autotest tests that our testers use to test every image release candidate.

    • third_party
    • Contains open source packages we have modified and are using for Chromium OS.

Other resource about Chromium OS/Chrome OS

#1  posted on December 02, 2009 04:43 PST
I understand that Google Chrome is using Microsoft Public License code.
Can you explain what type of labelling shall be applied?
If the code is embedded, the Microsoft Public License states:
"...(D) If you distribute any portion of the software in source code form, you may do so only under this license by including a complete copy of this license with your distribution. .."
As a benchmark, where does Google Chrome carry this license statement?

Thanks for the info!

Kind regards,


#2  posted on March 12, 2016 03:54 PST
Chromium OS source tarball doesn't exist anymore, it shows "file not found"

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