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Google Chrome extension: Delicious extension

July 15, 2009 01:20 PDT

Posted by Andrew.

I just developed a Delicious extension for Google Chrome, it helps you add the current web page on Google Chrome to Delicious bookmark by one click.

Name: Delicious extension for Google Chrome

Download: delicious.crx

File size: 8 KB

Requirement: Google Chrome developer version or above.

Version 1.1

Last Build: July 20, 2009

The screenshot of Delicious extension for Google Chrome

Screenshot: Delicious extension for Google Chrome

Guidelines: Install Delicious extension for Google Chrome

  1. Download and install Google Chrome developer version. If you have installed, ignore this step.
  2. Add --enable-extensions parameter:
    • Right click the Chrome icon in your desktop, then click Properties.
    • Click Shortcut tab.
    • Add --enable-extensions parameter in the Target field:
    • Right click the Chrome shortcut icon, and then add -enable-extensions in the Target field

      Screenshot: Instructions to enable extensions for Chrome

  3. Launch Google Chrome.
  4. Install Delicious extension for Chrome.
  5. Restart Google Chrome.

Update history of Delicious extension

  • July 15, 2009, Delicious extension 1.0 released.
  • July 20, 2009, Delicious extension 1.1 released.

If you have any questions or advices about this extension, please leave your comments. :-)

Other resource about Google Chrome Extersions

  1. Google Chrome extensions and plug-ins
  2. Google Chrome Extension: PageRank Status - Check the Google PageRank. based Google Chrome Extension.
  3. Google Chrome Plugin: PageRank Status Checker - Check the Google PageRank & Alexa Rank, based JavaScript bookmarklet.
  4. Google Chrome Extension: Digg This
  5. Google Chrome Plugins: Download YouTube Videos in Google Chrome
  6. Google Chrome extension tutorial for developers
  7. Chromium Developer Documentation: Extersions

#1  posted on July 18, 2009 15:05 PDT
Don't do what I did, and try to open this download with normal Chrome; Chrome got stuck in an infinite loop opening up hundreds of instances, had to shut PC down.
replied on July 18, 2009 17:51 PDT:
You will need Chromium browser (the Chrome developer version) to use extensions, not Chrome.
Click here to download it from Google:

#2  posted on August 07, 2009 17:54 PDT
Thanks, it works fine.

#3  posted on September 27, 2009 11:37 PDT
I followed all the directions, and I can see the extension at the bottom of the window, but it doesn't do anything when I try to use it. I have the developer version of Chrome installed, but I can't figure out what is wrong. Any thoughts?

#4  posted on October 06, 2009 07:13 PDT
Same here Extension stopped working after upgrade to v 4

#5  posted on October 19, 2009 09:43 PDT
same here, chrome version, clicking the "delicious" button apparently does nothing.

#6  posted on November 02, 2009 02:41 PST
Why is it so hard to make a delicious toolbar like in firefox, apperantly there are not enough users for chrome to help develop it.

#7  posted on November 02, 2009 07:46 PST
Great guide, works fine for me.

#8  posted on November 11, 2009 21:20 PST
Yea, it stopped working on version 4. Delicious bookmarks is the life blood of my business. I basically have to go back to Firefox now, which is so much slower than Chrome (at least with all the extensions i stuffed it with).

#9  posted on November 11, 2009 23:06 PST
@James from You're aware that Chrome works fine with Delicious, right? It's pretty much always worked, afaik.

#10  posted on February 04, 2010 09:12 PST
Hi, All!

Let me introduce you a great Delicious extension here:


#11  posted on August 12, 2010 00:31 PDT
Great tips! Work is something I struggle with all the time. I think I might use some of your advice.
I have recently started to like the work that I am doing. It’s becoming my project, and I like devoting myself to it

#12  posted on April 20, 2011 01:21 PDT
I have the developer version of Chrome installed, but I can't figure out what is wrong. Any thoughts?

#13  posted on June 07, 2011 18:12 PDT
very good product like this That is very good ,you can also come and have a look at our new products.

#14  posted on July 15, 2011 17:38 PDT
I have the developer version of Chrome installed, but I can't figure out what is wrong. Any thoughts?

#15  posted on July 21, 2011 01:28 PDT
I would apreciate to have him/her do one for me also!

#16  posted on September 18, 2011 03:22 PDT
Yea, it stopped working on version 4. Delicious bookmarks is the life blood of my business. I basically have to go back to Firefox now, which is so much slower than Chrome (at least with all the extensions i stuffed it with).

#17  posted on December 20, 2011 13:20 PST
Good posting, im subscribing to your rss. Many thanks once more

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