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How to add Bing search engine to Google Chrome

June 02, 2009 02:13 PDT

Posted by Andrew.

Bing (formerly Live Search, Windows Live Search and MSN Search), codenamed Kumo is the name of Microsoft's new web search engine, designed to compete with the industry leaders Google and Yahoo!. Bing is a replacement for Live Search, and it went fully online on June 1, 2009. More information, there is an article from Microsoft - Microsoft’s New Search at Helps People Make Better Decisions.

The default search engine of Chrome is Google. You can manually add or edit search engines on Chrome.

To Add Bing search engine to your Google Chrome, please do following steps.

Guidelines: Add Bing search engine to Google Chrome

  1. Click the Tools menu, then then select Option

Google Chrome Tools Menu

  1. Click the Basics tab.
  2. Click the Manage button in the Default search section. The Search Engines dialog box opens, then click the Add button on Search Engines dialog box.

Google Chrome Options: Search Engines Dialog

You can also right-click the web address area on the address box and select Edit search engines to open the Search Engines dialog box.

  1. Provide the following information. You can directly copy/paste them to the fields in Search Engine dialog
    • Name - Bing Search
    • Keyword -
    • URL -

    Google Chrome Options: Add bing Search Engine

  2. Click Ok button, then select Bing Search in the search engines list, click Make Default button.
  3. Google Chrome Options: Set Bing as the default Search Engine

  4. Click Close button.

Other resource about Google Chrome and Search Engines

#1  posted on June 06, 2009 12:01 PDT
Thank you!

#2  posted on June 19, 2009 09:28 PDT
Clear and easy to follow instructions, awesome job of posting it.

#3  posted on July 03, 2009 09:01 PDT Buy Adipex Online

#4  posted on July 05, 2009 20:58 PDT
It's a good thing to know that there are ways to search on the web on hat we need to know. Thanks to experts.

#5  posted on July 07, 2009 09:16 PDT
Nice Post ! www

#6  posted on August 08, 2009 19:18 PDT
Hi, Nice post. Thanks for sharing.

#7  posted on August 10, 2009 16:52 PDT

#8  posted on September 10, 2009 19:58 PDT oxycodone 512

#9  posted on September 24, 2009 21:51 PDT
Why would you do this? You've taken the trouble to install chrome... now you're searching through Microsoft? If you want to look like you're interested in security, speed and privacy but don't really care, why not simply make a Google Chrome skin for Internet Explorer? And better yet a MacOS or Linux one for your Vista PC?

#10  posted on November 22, 2009 22:40 PST
ur so smart...........dumbass..why give any one developer the oportunity to exclusively own any part of the operating systems we use and we mind as well be mindless fuckin idiots!There all fighting for the same platform to influence us into their own profits!

#11  posted on November 22, 2009 22:45 PST
we use?.We mind as..........!......They're ......mispells while under the influence...lmaol

#12  posted on February 06, 2010 01:26 PST

#13  posted on February 27, 2010 22:00 PST
Thanks. I wanted the URL. You have given that. By the way, How can I find it myself?

#14  posted on March 06, 2010 03:09 PST
YbGNQh Excellent article, I will take note. Many thanks for the story!

#15  posted on July 08, 2010 15:24 PDT
How would I keep Google as my default, but for the rare instance that I want to search Bing (e.g., evaluate my website's search position on Bing), how can I execute the search using Bing for just this one time?

#16  posted on September 26, 2010 06:25 PDT
try going to bing's home and place the query there :-)

#17  posted on December 13, 2010 03:09 PST
Hello Email me at

#18  posted on December 13, 2010 03:17 PST
hi email me at

#19  posted on July 24, 2014 20:26 PDT
Before i downloaded something from bing to make bing my default search engine but apparently that doesn't work for chrome. Thank you for this tutorial, it worked perfect in only few seconds.

#20  posted on July 24, 2014 20:26 PDT
Before i downloaded something from bing to make bing my default search engine but apparently that doesn't work for chrome. Thank you for this tutorial, it worked perfect in only few seconds.

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